Fleet Maintenance Pro Shop makes it easy to track and organize preventive and repair maintenance information on your fleet of vehicles and equipment.
In addition to helping you organize your equipment information, Fleet Maintenance Pro will also automatically calculate and report maintenance due for your fleet. When you start Fleet Maintenance Pro, automated and color-coded PM (preventive maintenance) alerts instantly show you which vehicles and equipment are due for service at all times.
You can setup your own preventive maintenance criteria in Fleet Maintenance Pro so it automatically notifies you when the maintenance intervals you specify are reached. In addition to preventive maintenance scheduling, use the built-in repair scheduling utility to help you track unexpected repairs or problems reported by drivers or operators.
The Shop Edition is specifically designed for companies that perform most of their maintenance internally. The Shop Edition provides features such as work order management, automatic work order generation, parts inventory, purchase orders, invoicing, customer tracking, and provides the ability to assign parts to PM services to simplify data entry.
When work orders are completed on one of your assets, the maintenance is automatically recorded and saved to the fleet history so you can easily monitor PM, repairs, parts, labor, and operating costs over time. This will help you monitor trends in neglect, abuse, or simply aging equipment.
In addition to maintenance, Fleet Maintenance Pro will also track fuel usage, registrations, inspections, insurance, loan/lease information, employees, vendors, and more.
A large number of stock reports are also provided with Fleet Maintenance Pro. With any report, you can specify data filtering criteria to only display the information you need.
If the Shop Edition exceeds your needs or budget, we also have other levels of the program available as well as network versions.

Keywords: fleet, maintenance, vehicle, auto, equipment, work order, parts, car, truck, machinery, repair, lawn, service, fuel, gas, diesel, history

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