Reportizer is a band oriented database reporting tool, which allows easy creating, modifying, and printing database reports from different types of databases. It works with relational databases like Access, Oracle, Interbase, Firebird, SQL Server, Visual FoxPro, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Paradox (DB), dBase (DBF), TXT, CSV, Excel, HTML etc.
Reports can be edited in convenient visual report builder or in text mode.
Report generator of Reportizer supports calculating fields, multi-column reports, expressions, grouping, displaying images etc.
Reportizer can export reports to HTML, XLSX, XLS, TXT, GIF, PNG, JPEG, BMP, or STT (static report) file.
In addition to database reports, Reportizer can build and print file reports, for example, list of files from the specified folder (with their icons, dates etc.).
There is an ability to load and print reports from command line.
Reportizer allows to manage report collections, which can be held either in files or in database tables. You can easily switch between the report collections.

Keywords: database, reporting tool, dbf, Reportizer, database reporting, database reports, report designer, export, report generator, report builder, SQL, HTML, XLS, command line, band oriented

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