Question Writer 2.0 - Personal Edition
Personal Edition is an easy to use tool for creating multiple choice flash quizzes. It is free for personal use.
Fast Development
-Create new quizzes in minutes
No coding required
-Anyone can make quizzes - No programming skills required
-Reports for on-line quizzes can be automatically sent to your e-mail address. (Requires Flash player 7)
-Quiz takers can print out test summary reports
Question Feedback
-Feedback is shown automatically at the end of the quiz for each question
Macromedia Flash® Based
-Quiz is delivered as Flash 6 (Flash MX)
-Identical appearance on every internet browser, ensuring a fair and identical quiz for everyone.
-Flash 6 is already installed on over 95% of client machines
Multiple language support
-Use languages like Greek, Japanese and Chinese, and special mathematical symbols.
-Screenreader support, keyboard-only access and magnification support is provided as default with all quizzes.

Keywords: Quiz, Flash, SCORM, Assessment, Test, Survey, Questionnaire, Assessments, Tests, Quizzes, Surveys, Questionnaires

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