Design patterns using point and click! Just highlight the variable text and the text to capture, and EPHelper does the rest! EasyPatterns are a cool new way to describe text patterns. They're English-like, powerful and easy to understand. Parse a phone number with [PhoneNumber] or [optional punctuation, 3 digits, punctuation, 3 digits, punctuation, 4 digits].
Once found, text is easy to extract, convert, rearrange or reformat. Easily create regular expressions that match exactly what you want, and test on sample strings, preventing mistakes on live data.
You can easily control the quantity of text you match, and include literal text like this:
[ 1 or more digits, '.', 2 digits ]
$[ 2+ digits, '.', 2 digits ]
USD [ 3 to 6 digits ].00
You can easily match dates like this:
[ Day <-/ > Month <-/ > Year ]
[ Month <-/ > Day <-/ > Year ]
[ Year <-/ > Month <-/ > Day ]
('Month' matches numbers 1-12, and short and long month names)
EasyPatterns are included in TextPipe Pro - the world's fastest multi-search and replace tool. We also have an EasyPattern Engine component that can be embedded in other applications to make perl patterns easier to use.

Keywords: ezpattern, ezpatterns, easypatterns, easypattern, perl, grep, egrep, pattern, easy pattern, easy patterns, ez pattern, ez patterns.regex, regexp, regular expression, regular expressions, search, pattern, replace, split, pcre, build, write, compose, fgrep, wingrep

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