Loto Excel Universal is a new generation product applied to all the lotteries throughout
the world drawing six numbers with or without bonus.
It has a search engine of combinations optimized to the maximum and adapted to any type
of lotto, which no other software is able to realize and which makes Loto Excel Universal
a professional and powerful tool.
Loto Excel Universal is above all the guarantee to have an unequalled depth for statistics
on the lotteries because of its unrivalled computing speed.
List of lotteries included in this version :
Austria Lotto, Australia Pools, Belgium Lotto,
Canada (6/49, BC 49, Ontario 49, Quebec 49,
Western 6/49, Quebec Super 7), Dutch Lotto,
France Loto, Germany Saturday Lotto,
Hong Kong Mark Six, New Zealand Lotto,
Portugal Totoloto, Spain (Bonoloto, Lotto Primitiva),
South Africa Lotto, Swiss Lotto, UK National Lottery,
USA (Mass Millions, Arizona The Pick).

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