Find the ultimate popular domain name using the powerful brainstorming features of a built-in automatic thesaurus, search engine popularity database with 500,000 terms, link popularity search, an advanced word search with word groups allowing mutually exclusive domain name parts and custom positioning and optional/mandatory settings, and an advanced pattern search with 6 wildcards and optional and alternative domain name parts.

For a simple word search for a domain name such as "home loan" with all options enabled Domain Name Pro can automatically generate and check almost 500 related domain names in less than a minute! Some example domain names generated include "homeloan", "equityhomeloan", "homeloancalculator", "homecredit", "houseloan" and many more, each checked in the domains selected (from a list of more than 500 including .com, .biz, .info, and .us).

Domain Name Pro also includes automatic acronyms, and Net Speak(tm), a feature that generates alternative spellings to domain names, such as "4kidz" for the words in the domain name "for kids".

Other features include automatic calculation of search engine popularity, web site competition rating and domain name effectiveness index (TM) for generated domain names, identifying expired and expiring domain names, direct trademark searches, direct registration of available domain names, browsing to the web site of registered domain names, filtering, sorting, printing, and exporting search results, free upgrades, 500+ domains including .info, .com,, and hundreds more, configurable search performance, support for SOCKS firewall and HTTP proxy servers, built-in current domain name news, saving and loading custom word lists, patterns and domain selections, automatic data file updates, and much more!

For a comparison of Domain Name Pro with other domain name search tools see the Feature Comparison page at

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Keywords: domain, name, search, whois, link, popularity, utility, tool, web, address, url, generate, find, internet, site, email, generate, list, trademark

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Domain Name Pro 5.33


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Windows 98 Windows Me Windows NT 4 Windows 2000 Windows XP Windows 2003 Server Windows Vista

Release Status:

new (2007-04-02)

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Vista support, latest data files, UI improvements.

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Additional Requirements:

Pentium III 500, 128MB RAM, 20MB disk space.

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