When Auto Correct is enabled, it will scan all selected frequencies in the WAV file to determine the minimum and maximum amplitudes. It will then correct these variations by automatically increasing or decreasing the levels of attenuation at specific frequency intervals (usually 1/3 octave).
The result is a nearly linear frequency response. For the listener, this creates more consistent sounding audio. A typical application that would benefit from this tool is an internet radio station. A common problem that many of these stations experience is an inconsistency in true audio reproduction (i.e., different songs sound different).
By utilizing this function, one may be assured that there will be an average and consistent degree of bass and treble response,
independent of a specific song title or artist.

Keywords: Internet Radio, Station Equalizer, Limiter, graphic equalizer, 1/3 octave, realtime, Correlations Meter, RMS Level Meter and Peak Level, integrated Compressor, Limiter und Enhancer

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