Smart Type Assistant is an easy to use system-wide typing automation and time-saving tool. It includes realtime mistype correction, abbreviations expanding, correction of aCCIDENTAL usage of the Caps Lock, correction of TWo INitial CApitals, capitalization of the names of days, pasting large text pieces with one mouse click, music keyboard, fast screen capturing and emailing, Clipboard history, useful text-transforming hotkeys and more!

Make your typing faster and more productive - let your keyboard to be as smart as You!

-Autoreplace (expanding short keywords into full phrases)
Examples: BTW -> By the way; withb -> With best regards; i@ -> ; Weh-> We hope you will be pleasantly surprised by our service.

-Autocorrect (fix common typing errors on the fly) Examples: adn -> and; fromthe -> from the; seperate -> separate; i -> I.

-Smart Diary logs and saves the texts you type to prevent losing of data when system crashes and organize your text archive.

-Clipboard history - stores the last 15 Clipboard text contents for instant pasting.

-Correct two initial capitals Examples: HEllo -> Hello; OUr -> our; Correct accidental usage of Caps Lock Examples: qUICK -> Quick.

- Fast free-shape screenshot capturing and emailing (very useful!)

-Paste text with hotkey You can set a hotkey to display the list of phrases or large text templates.

-Change case of selected text To invert the case of a text fragment, select it and press Break key.

-Music keyboard. You can assign an individual sound for each key on the keyboard.

-Windows operations Hotkeys to minimize, maximize, restore the active window.

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Download BlazingTools Smart Type Assistant 1.5

Keywords: typing, keyboard, macro, clipboard, sound, shortkeys, automation, keystrokes, keys, hotkey, hotkeys, time-saving, keylogger, screenshot, capture

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BlazingTools Smart Type Assistant 1.5


BlazingTools Software     Other programs by BlazingTools Software






$19.95 US

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Operating Systems:

Windows 95 Windows 98 Windows Me Windows NT 4 Windows 2000 Windows XP Windows 2003 Server

Release Status:

new (2007-01-26)

Recent Changes:

Now can quickly capture a free-shape piec? of the screen to save it or send by email

Supported Languages:

English, French, Hungarian

Additional Requirements:

Windows All

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