MDE Unlocker is a program by to unlock your Access MDE files so that you can make changes such as altering/amending forms and reports. This is a new technique that no other company has yet managed to achieve!
Unlike other utilities, this tool will keep your VBA project intact so that you will not need to re-code your database! Finally you CAN make those changes to your Access MDE database even when you have lost the original MDB file!
NEW: The MDE Unlocker now supports Access 97, Access 2000, Access 2002 and Access 2003 format files.
Please note: The VBA project remains locked however you can make functionality changes by using macros instead.
Here are some key features of "Access MDE Unlocker":
- Unlock your database in seconds!
- Unlocks forms and reports for editing
- Allows creation of new forms and reports
- Make functionality changes using Macros
- Supports standard encrypted databases
- Supports Access 97, 2000, 2002 (XP) and 2003
- Supports Encrypted Databases.
- All captions for labels, text boxes etc. are reset to '(demo)' in the unregistered version.

Keywords: Access MDE to MDB Conversion, unlock MDE file, mde decompiler, decompile mde, locked MDE, MDE errors, lost MDB, mde to mdb, mde2mdb, mde mdb, mde
