Response Mailer is an automated system that instantly emails information to your customers and prospects. It can automatically reply to your e-mail messages with a prewritten response and add information to a prospect database for use in your subscription email marketing campaign.
ResponseMailer is an auto-responder that checks the contents of your incoming emails to determine how to reply to it. In addition, it can automatically followup with them over the coming days, weeks, and months. You can send one or more messages at preset time intervals. For instance you can create 10 messages and release them to prospects on the schedule you specify.
Response Mailer auto responder and follow-up responder is convenient and saves you time by automatically replying to your email and sending out follow up emails instead of you having to manually keep track of it. You can personalize your e-mail replies by including the sender's name, prospect specific fields or information extracted from the incoming email.
Main Features
- Fast email processing
- Scan email header and body for specific text
- Pull information from the incoming email and include it in the outgoing email
- Add specific information from the incoming email to a Comma Separated Value(CSV) file that can be imported in Excel or any other program
- Run a particular program with information parsed from the incoming email
- Delete emails from mail server
- Opt-in and Opt-out, automatically subscribe or unsubscribe prospects. Add prospect specific information that can be used to personalize the followup messages.
- Send broadcast messages to your prospects
- Send attachments (PFD, eBook, pictures, files, etc)
- Specify the interval to send followups (hours, days, weeks or months)
- Import a list of new prospects and export your prospect list
- Unlimited message length and full HTML or plain text message capability

Keywords: auto responder, email processor, email processing, email, responder, process, auto responder, auto reply, followup, follow-up, mailbot, email on demand, autoresponder, autoreply, auto, reply, mailer

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