What if your software could also burn CD, DVD or Blu-ray discs? Wouldn't that feature be the cherry on the cake? With FoxBurner SDK, you can make it come true and easily enhance your application with data recording and backup functionality.
What normally is quite a challenge, as requires proper care of quite a handful of essential bits and pieces, with FoxBurner SDK can easily be implemented in a convenient CD/DVD/BD recording environment. The tools included in the kit allow your application to: archive data to Blu-ray, DVD or CD, write multiple data sessions to these media, create bootable disks, create Audio CD, including pure CD-DA and CD-EXTRA formats, Video DVD from a VIDEO_TS directory or Video Blu-ray from BDAV or BDMV directory.
The SDK supports recording to and, of course, reading from CD, DVD, Blu-ray, M-disc and mobile media over the vast majority of currently available interfaces, including ATA/ ATAPI, SATA I (Serial ATA 150), SATA II (Serial ATA 300), SCSI, USB 1.1, 2.0 and 3.0, FireWire, IEEE 1394a (Firewire 400), IEEE 1394b (Firewire 800), and iSCSI.
The SDK is FireMonkey-compatible, i.e. carries its full functionality in the most popular operating systems, Windows, Linux and Mac, both 32 and 64-bit. And to make your start with the kit quick and operation easy, it is equipped with a comprehensive online product documentation listing and full tech support suite. The guides and manuals are backed by a vast array of samples, including C++ for Windows, Delphi, VB6, and dotNet C# and VB.et offerings, which make your development experience literally effortless. And predefined dialogs for burnings/erasing tasks ensure the ultra fast integration into your software.
Since development demands of each company vary, the licensing policy allows choosing the most appropriate license between Development, Subscription, and Enterprising.

Keywords: Lazarus, Firemonkey, Delphi, Blue-ray, BDXL, DVD, Backup, Component, C++, dotNet, Copy, Disk, Disc, Recording, Burning, ActiveX, Rad Studio, Mac, Linux, Visual Basic, Robotik, Storage System, Cloud, Encryption, Security, Health, M-Disk

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