SignPack work with signature pads to capture and secure your digital signature. Capture, secure and produce electronic signatures in a snap. SignPack electronic signature software supports major signature pad brands including Topaz digital signature pads and Interlink e-signature pads.
Conventional digital signature capture solutions packaged with electronic signature pads are very limited and don't provide advanced security features such as digital signature stamping, e-signature file encryption, and password protected start-up like SignPack. SignPack digital signature software also renders a high definition image of your electronic signature, therefore allowing you to resize without quality loses. SignPack's user-friendly interface introduces exciting tools to select the size and color of your pen or brush, choose a custom background color for your electronic signature, or tailored signature stamping options. Copy your digital signature to your clipboard and paste into any production software to be published, edited, emailed or posted online.
SignPack 3 empowers you to achieve optimal security requirements, and is the most comprehensive and convenient electronic signature solution on the market.
- High resolution digital signature capture for easy resize
- 128-bit file encryption for access control
- Signature stamping to provide name of signee and date of capture
- Watermarks to cast down counterfeit
- Command line interface (SDK) to integrate SignPack with your enterprise solution.
SignPack will contribute to streamlining your business processes with efficiency and handiness.
SignPack electronic signature solution has a state-of-the-art signature capturing engine that generates vectorial images rather than the typical bitmap file format. SignPack generates real-life signatures, you will not notice the difference from your pen and paper signature to your SignPack generated electronic signature!
SignPack. Sign with Style.TM

Keywords: signature software, digital signature software, electronic signature software, e-signature, digital signature, electronic signature, digital signatures, electronic signatures, e-signatures, signpack, sign pack, signpak, sign pak, signpack 2, signpak2

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