With CheVolume, you can assign the sound output/exit of each application separately to all of your connected audio devices. Every application can have separate volume level, independant of each other on different audio devices. You don't need several sound cards, only one with different sound output is enough. Start controlling your audio with CheVolume.
Right-click the CheVolume icon in Systray to open the Quick Audio Manager. With this little tool, you'll be handle to control globally your audio devices. Change volume, mute or select your default audio device in just 1 Click !
With CheVolume, you will have full control over your audio volume. Once you are in advanced mode, you will see all audio sessions created by windows and your applications. You can adapt the volume of windows sounds, like the 'bing' when a popup apppears (or the 'bang' when it's an error message). You'll see all sessions created by your applications, some times you'll see a single application can open many audio sessions on multiple devices. CheVolume gave you control of mute, change volume, or transfert (when it's possible) over all of theses audio sessions.

Keywords: Audio Devices, Sound Control, sound, sound outputs, sound output, Volume, Control, Mixer, Audio, Sound Management

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