We offer our Basis-workspace for Visual C++ users for further development of their own products. The workspace requires Visual Studio 2008 upwards and contains all source files for compiling a basis program for Windows and for Windows CE / PocketPC.
The resulting basis program consist of a window with a menu and popup-menu, a modeless property sheet with three dialog pages and different backgrounds. The user-surface and the HTML-Help text is selectable from the help-menu for German and English.
All procedures of the basis project are in the source well explained. In addition the procedure parameters are specified as interfaces in a Word-file. A PowerPoint diagram is for the project overview.
The required conversion into your own project is described step by step.
The jk-ware DirectX-Library 2.0 with procedures for use of DirectSound and DirectDraw is integrated into the workspace.
Notice: all documents of the Basisworkspace are in German language !

Keywords: workspace, development, compiler, source, visual, studio, c++, HTML-Help

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