ICAuction is a script to create an eBay like website, the interface uses 8 languages and can be run to offer registered members to advertise and manage auctions.The site uses paypal for payments. Seller gets money only after goods are shipped and buyer confirms receiving.
There are 2 types of members on the site: sellers and buyers.
Buyer Account
The buyers are the members who bid and participate in auctions, they have a personal control panel where they can view and manage information:
- Buyer can save auctions to his personal watch list and view the saved auctions at a later time.
- Buyer can also save specefic items to the item watch list.
- Buyer can view auctions he participated in with the bid amount, date and other details.
- Buyer can view the list of auctions he has won.
- Manage feedbacks - view and send feedbacks to others.
Sellers Account
Sellers have their own control panel where they can:
- View account balance.
- Edit Personal Profile.
- Manage auctions notification e-mails - sellers can choose to get auction email alerts or not.
- View sellers auctions according to auction status: pending, closed, suspended, sold.
- View winners details - After a member wins sellers item, the seller can view winners details.
- Manage feedbacks.
- The seller can also participate in auctions and can control auctions just like a user with buyer membership.
- Seller has a personal message board where he can view messages sent to him and send messages to others.
Main Features:
eBay type auction features
Sellers must pay membership fee
Escrow payments
Power admin panel

Keywords: EBay like Auction Software, eBay Clone Script, Online Auction Site PHP Script

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