Build your unique low bid auction site in minutes!
ICLowBidAuction script is a Low Bid Auction software for setting up a comprehensive and robust lowest unique bid auction site with 2 types of low bid auctions: Classic and Lower. Site administrator can adjust auctions time, step and other parameters. Auction payments are via PayPal and other payment processors can be integrated.
Classic Unique Low Bid Auction
The auction works like a regular auction, the only difference is that the winner is the person who made the unique lowest bid.
The bids are made through the site and because they are secret, the point is to strategically identify the whole number that is the lowest among all the bids.
The auction will take place in a period of time defined by administrator and the winner is the one who has made the lowest unique bid among those involved.
Lower bid auction
Lower bid auction is a new type of online auctions for selling expensive goods and properties. It works like classic unique low bid auction with the one difference that auctions end when certain number of bids (can be defined by administrator) were made by buyers.
Member Panel
- Edit Data - Members can enter and manage personal details.
- Member can view auctions he participated in with the bid amount, date and other details.
- Payments history - member can view the history of payments made on the site.
- Won auctions - member can view all auctions he won.
- Member can save auctions to his personal watch list and view the saved auctions at a later time.
- Add balance to account.
Administrator Panel
Live Support window
Penny auction site administrator can support people who are having questions about issues on the site in real time.
Main Features:
Users register and pay for participation
2 different types of auction
Power admin panel

Keywords: Lowest Unique Bid Auction Software, Low Bid Auction script, Reverse Auction software, Bidster Clone, BidPlaza Clone
