How to take screen shot and upload and share with friends with one click?
How to create video with your screen actions and share it?
You don't have to use overpriced and complicated software, just run this simplest windows program to take a screenshot or screencast with single click and share it with friends. After capturing your screen, your picture or video will be automatically uploaded to our server and you'll get an address that you can share instantly. You can paste it in your instant messenger or post to Facebook or wherever you want.
Capturing screenshots and record desktop video has never been so easy. You can select entire screen or only active window or just a part of screen. The program is small and simple as 1-2-3.
It can record a video from your screen with your voice too!
Check your captures history here:
You can also upload, store and share any file here:
Your feedback are welcome!

Keywords: Screenshot, screen capture, screencast, screen cast, take screenshot, share screenshot, upload screenshot, print screen, capture screen, capture desktop, desktop screenshot, send screenshot, grab screencast, share screencast, screen shot, record scr

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