bio-iVault uses the well respected myBiometrix Biometric platform to deliver Finger, Face and Voice verification to securely create and manage biometrically Encrypted Virtual Drives on a computer and other external storage devices by simply scanning ones biometric. Using Biometrics means No Passwords to remember or have stolen.
The bio-iVault drives appears just like a normal drive in Explorer, so you can create, edit and delete files and folders just as you would on a normal drive. The important difference is this drive is virtual, and is encrypting all information as it is added to the bio-iVault drive, which means all files and data, financial, images and music, are scrambled so only you can access them. Each virtual drive (or Container) is like one highly secure encrypted Folder that only you can access, and can only be seen when you Scan to authorize access.
Similar to a Virus Scanner or Firewall, bio-iVault works in the background encrypting your files on the fly using the Department of Defense approved AES 256 algorithm without any interruption.
bio-iVault is multi-user each with their own Biometric Identity, and any number of encrypted containers which when Mounted (selected) appear simply as a normal drive letter such as F:PersonalDocuments
On starting the application, you first Scan your chosen Biometrics to identity yourself to the application. You are now able to Mount your own Virtual Drives and access all information within the drives, just like a normal computer drive, however at a greatly increased level of security.
When you close that drive (DisMount), or turn off your computer, the information is Vaulted in the containers, is hidden, and is encrypted whereby only your Biometric Scan is able to enable access.
If you have documents, pictures, financial data or whatever is of importance and needs to be kept secret bio-iVault is the answer.

Keywords: biometric software, encryption software, finger scan, drive encryption, file encryption, disk encryption, virtual drive, single sign on, finger recognition, face recognition, voice recognition, biometric smart card, privacy software, password manager

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