AxpertSoft Pdf encryption software is advanced desktop solution for locking pdf files with 256 bit long encryption key and Acrobat X & later support. Pdf encryption software is easy to use and affordable desktop utility. Tool quickly locks thousands of pdf documents with lightning fast speed, supports password encryption for large size pdf documents. Tool lets user to set pdf open password and pdf owner password both. Pdf open password restrict pdf file opening from unauthorised user however pdf owner password prevents illegal accessing of document content like printing, data copy paste, changing, form filling, signing, commenting & page extraction etc. AxpertSoft pdf encryption provides option to lock pdf with 256 bit encryption is strongest security in compatibility of Acrobat X & later rather than Acrobat 9 and later support. This top standard encryption software uses Adobe extension level 1.8 instead of using Adobe extension level 1.3. Free evaluation version draws watermarking over pdf pages and requires its registration to remove limitation of trial. Once pdf file locked with password, only permitted users can access the document content typing valid password input.

Keywords: Pdf, security, 256, bit, AES, RC4, encryption, secure, user, owner, password, lock, protect, encrypt, permission, free, download, bulk, protection

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