- For Delphi, C++ Builder and RAD Studio: XE to XE8, 10 Seattle and 10.1 Berlin
- For Delphi 7, Delphi/C++ Builder/RAD Studio 2007, 2009 & 2010 (sourcecode vs only)
- VCL and FireMonkey frameworks supported
- Printing and clipboard support
- OpenGL 3D graphics rendering with lights and shadows
- GDI+ graphics rendering with full anti-alias
- Web source component to retrieve Internet charts and data
- Database charting with Summaries, Sorting, Crosstabs, record level
- Export as picture to Flash/Flex, XAML, JPEG, GIF, PNG, BMP, EPS, PDF, PCX, WMF
- Export data to HTML, XML, Text, CSV and Excel formats
- Custom printing
- Very Fast! TeeChart fully utilises dynamic arrays of your data, Intel assembler and many speed optimizations
- Intraweb, DevExpress, ReportBuilder, QuickReport integrations
- TeeChart Editor dialogues translated to 38 languages
- Royalty free for exe distribution
- Supports LiveBindings
- 30 Palette components including ChartGrid, Navigators, Web source and Control Bar
- 60+ Chart styles (2D, 3D plus combinations)
- 8 Gauge styles (2D, 3D and combinations)
- 56 financial and statistical indicators
- Run-time Editor, Print Preview, Gallery and Chart Grid
- 52 Chart Tool components for additional functionality, like dragging series marks, annotation objects, cursors and manual trend lines, colouring bands, etc
- 25 Chart image filters
- Chart Grid component to manage data
- Toolbar with editing, rotation, zoom and scroll
- Multiple-axis support both horizontal and vertical
- Customization of axis labels and legend items
- Great cosmetic properties for all texts and drawings
- Live and animated zoom and scroll. Mouse wheel supported
- 2D, 3D plus OpenGL 3D with 360 rotation, lights and shadows
- Custom drawing canvas
- Extensive demos
- Design and runtime integrated Chart and Series editor
- Online help and Electronic reference manual (hlp format)
- Custom Series build
- Sample Custom

Keywords: delphi chart, vcl charting, vcl charting component library, graph, charts, maps, gauges, delphi, c++ builder, rad studio, firemonkey,
