HTML5 Slide Gallery is an excellent and easy way to showcase your images at your site pages in a beautiful and modern interface. Slide Gallery is powered by jQuery and it has clear and comprehensible Wizard, you can easily set up, change appearance and edit the content of the gallery without digging into CSS files or code! So you don't need to be an expert in web design and to know programming languages to add professionally looking gallery to your site. You can change the layout of the component to make gallery scroll images horizontally or vertically and place thumbnails panel and categories list at the top and bottom or at the left and right sides. Just insert the gallery into your page and change parameters through Wizard according your design to match the site theme. HTML5 Slide Gallery has a flexible size, you can set 100% width, so the gallery will be stretched across the entire container and all the gallery elements, like categories list and thumbnails panel will be aligned and position accordingly. You can hide categories list, thumbnails panel and of course controls. Add the description that can be formatted using HTML to your slides and it will be shown in an animated popup by a mouse click on an info icon. Gallery has fullscreen and slideshow modes with different parameters to customize, including animation easing effect, duration and delay of the transition. Component is fully browser compatible, and will work on iDevices like iPhone and iPad! More over gallery is using hardware acceleration, which improves performance and making animation smoother on mobile devices. Component is ready to work as soon as it appears on a page and is fast to respond. The installation package contains the Dreamweaver extension, providing you the ability to easily create high-impact, HTML5-powered galleries, all in Dreamweaver CS3, CS4, CS5, CS6 and the new CC. Using the user-friendly user interface, you can adjust all colors, fonts, sizes, spacing and

Keywords: html5, css, jQuery, javascript, html5 gallery, javascript gallery, dreamweaver, extension, dreamweaver extensions, mxp, image gallery, internet gallery, site gallery, web gallery, pictures gallery, dreamweaver gallery

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