Elerium Word .NET Reader is a handy tool for C#, VB.NET and ASP.NET developers that allows to easily and effectively read Word documents (DOC, DOCX, RTF), without the need to install additional applications and Microsoft Word. The Word Reader can be easily implemented in C#, VB.NET or ASP.NET projects/websites. The installation package of the Word Reader contains C# and VB.NET samples for quick start.
Key features:
Elerium Word. NET Reader has an intuitive document object model, which allows a developer to read DOC, DOCX or RTF document, get document content and formatting styles, fonts, colors, borders etc (see C# VB.NET examples).
- Reads Word Documents DOC, DOCX, RTF.
- Getting DOM Tree of the document (C# VB.NET examples are presented).
- Paragraph Formating.
- Alignment, Margins, Line Spacing, Shadings, Tab Stops etc.
- Sections and Properties.
- Header and Footer.
- Page Settings.
- Getting Paragraph, Text, Lists, Hyperlinks.
- Operate with Table, Rows, Cells, Embedded Tables.
- List Properties.
- List Id, Level, StartAt.
- List Bullet/Number Styles.
- Text Formating.
- Text Font Name, Color, Size.
- Background color, Hyperlink, Footnote, Borders etc.
- Style Sheet, predefined and user Styles.
- Columns.
- Column Properties: Count, Widths and Spaces.
- Table Content and Properties.
- Collection of Rows and Cells.
- Width, Height, Borders, Shading, Span Rows/Columns etc.

Keywords: read, Word, .NET, Word Reader, reader, ASP.NET, VB.NET, DOC, DOCX

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