A presentation system for all purposes.
Displays several media types:
images (.png .jpg .gif)
office documents: word, excel, PDF
PowerPoint presentations
Newstickers with high performance can be integrated. They can show own messages and RSS newsfeeds. All parameters like speed, color, size etc. can be set.
A folder import function lets you change content easily.
An integrated webserver allows to administrate the presentation from an computer in the network.
The intuitive user interface allows to explore all functions.
Objects can be placed anywhere on the screen:
slideshows for images, documents and movies
newsticker for any messages and RSS news
analog and digital clock
counter: counting up or down, e.g. "x days until product release"
dynamic text which can be changed any time
background images and text fields
rectangles for dividing information
Dynamic text can be used for example to welcome visitors or show the next free counter.
Presentations are saved an can be changed quickly.

Keywords: presentation, multimedia
