Our simple to use yet great looking HTML5 Events Calendar will allow you to create a calendar for any website where you can publish events, periods or just notes are easy to insert and what is more important attractive to the eye. Calendar highlights current day, other events can be marked with different background and hover colors, captions, floating tips and even icons. You can add any HTML code as an event description, including links and images to make it more vivid! Choose date format and set Monday or Sunday as the first entry of week rows. The installation package contains Dreamweaver extension, providing you the ability to easily create the high-impact, XML-powered Events Calendar in Dreamweaver CS3, CS4, CS5 or CS6. Using the user-friendly interface, you are provided absolute control of all colors, fonts, sizes, spacing, etc. Keep you visitors updated with all events happening in your website in a convenient manner or use it as an organizer of your personal schedule!

Keywords: html5 events calendar, online calendar, internet calendar, description, xml, calendar, web site, dreamweaver extensions, html5 calendar, javaScript events calendar

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