Scripts Encryptor is a handy utility to scramble (obfuscate) HTML, JavaScript/JScript, C/C++/MFC code. Unlike many other obfuscators it does not employ JavaScript for encoding, which significantly increases the number of web browsers that will be able to open scrambled documents without distortion. Use this software to protect your online content from unauthorized copying, reverse engineering and from webbots collecting email addresses and other personal data.

Special features:
(1) Obfuscation (scrambling) of JavaScript, JScript standalone files;
(2) Obfuscation of HTML and HTML-style files that might include JavaScript, JScript blocks inside;
(3) Encryption of JavaScript, JScript data in a file or imbedded in HTML page using Windows Script Encoder method (emulation of screnc.exe by Microsoft);
(4) Compression (reduction of size) of HTML/JScript documents without obfuscation (to downsize your bandwidth and increase loading time);
(5) Flexible settings for obfuscation that allow to fine-tune level of scrambling;
(6) Ability to preview obfuscated page and compare it with an original document;
(7) Scrambling of C/C++/MFC source code files into solid code chunks making them hard to view and edit;
(8) Checking of missing and/or extra semicolons in JavaScript, JScript code;
(9) Ability to organize (decrypt) JavaScript, JScript files (including those encrypted using Windows Script Encoder);
(10) Support of international code pages and file encodings (overall Unicode support);
(11) Ability to change code page and file encoding while saving in a file;
(12) Ability to make a Unix-compatible file (with a single linefeed at the end of lines);
(13) Compatible with Windows XP SP2, and IE6 popup blocker in general (so your previewed code is not blocked as potentially dangerous);
(14) Integration into most of Microsoft Office products and compatibility with many programming languages: Visual Basic, C/C++/MFC, HTML.

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Keywords: ScrEnc, Scripts Encryptor, HTML, JavaScript, JScript, encryption, decryption, scrambling, de-scrambling, source, source code, decoder, encoder, C++, MFC, Windows Script Encoder, Windows Script Decoder, obfuscator, JavaScript Obfuscator

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Scripts Encryptor Control

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$19.99 US

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Operating Systems:

Windows NT 4 Windows 2000 Windows XP Windows 2003 Server

Release Status:

new (2006-02-27)

Recent Changes:

New Major Version Release!

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Additional Requirements:

Windows NT4/2000/XP, IE5 or later

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