Nova accordion menu component can help you to create large navigation without sacrificing space and content. It will hide unnecessary menu items and information from the client, while active menu item and important information are shown, leading to more usable and attractive page design. More over, menu items can have menu icons and sub titles, which can help you to make very attractive site navigation. There is no limit on the depth of sub menu. Also component provides different menu items so besides standard sub item you are able to add title and sub title to each item or group. Add even HTML panel where you can put any HTML code or image, use separators to group them. Use them all in order to create truly unique navigation! Component is fully compatible with all modern browsers, and will work on iDevices like iPhone and iPad! CSS based which makes drop down menu search engine friendly, as all menu links, text and titles are placed directly on pages in plain HTML, absolutely accessible to search engines. You don't need to be an expert in web design and to know programming languages to add navigation for your site. Component is powered by jQuery and it has clear and comprehensible user interface, you can easily set up, change appearance and edit the content of the menu without digging into CSS files! The installation package contains the Dreamweaver extension, providing you the ability to easily create high-impact, HTML5-powered menus, all in Dreamweaver CS3, CS4, CS5 or CS6. Using the user-friendly user interface, you can adjust wide range of the component options according to your taste.

Keywords: html5, CSS, jQuery, dreamweaver extension, javascript, html5 vertical menu, javascript menu, navigation, dreamweaver, extension, dreamweaver extensions, mxp, dreamweaver menu, vertical menu, html5 vertical menu, accordion menu, nova accordion menu

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