Private Disk, an easy-to-use software to protect sensitive data on notebooks, personal computers, removable and flash disk. It is used for creating virtual disks on your computer. On this disk you can store confidential information which youd like to keep secret from other users. You only need to save files into this private disk and close them after that, then the program will protect the files automatically.
Unlike similar programs, kaka Private Disk allows you to create variable size drives. It does not require you to allocate a specific size for your protected drive. kaka Private Disk does not contain backdoors or government induced escrow keys that would allow the police, or any other authority to unprotect your confidential information. This means that your data are well-protected, and that the security of your private information has no breaches.
Simple and efficient: You will learn how to use it in just seconds because of its' extremely attractive and user-friendly interface!
Countless Private Disks: You could create countless private disk as you wish.
Variable Size Disk Drives: No need to specify a disk size, the private disk size will grow and shrink depending on its usage.
Password Protected: Allows you to set a login password and each private disk manage password. This allows you to set different private disk for different people use.
Hot-Keys: You can use Hot-Keys to easy open the disks List or to close all open disks. This provides a greater flexibility in using Private Disk.
Drive Firewall: Allows you to protect your data from virus and other bad software.
Portability: Allows you to install to a removable drive, such as a USB device. Then run it on any computer with out having to install it.
No backdoors: Once your data has been protected. There is no way of restoring the data without the proper password.

Keywords: Creating crypted disk, Private disk, virtual encrypted disk, encrypted disk, virtual disk

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