A free (open source) log monitor/log viewer for:
* Files
* Incomming UDP and TCP traffic
* EventLogs
* SQL tables
* Atom and RSS feeds
* StdOut / StdErr / COM
Listens to UDP and TCP ports either in broadcast or single endpoint mode.
Monitors an eventlog, uses events on the local machine and polling on remote machines.
Monitors a log file or folder. Doing a tail using polling.
Monitors a table in a MS SQL-Server or MySql database. Doing a tail using polling.
Monitors Atom and RSS feeds.
Monitors StdOut / StdErr of applications
Can highlight or hide messages depending on content.
Supports multiple simultaneous listeners in each session.
Supports several simultaneous sessions (MDI).

Keywords: log, viewer, event, tail, file, folder, udp, tcp, debug, trace, monitor

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