Nicomsoft OCR - is an OCR toolkit that allows developers to embed high-quality optical character recognition functionality in their products. While the recognition quality delivered by Nicomsoft OCR is on a par with the premium OCR packages on the market, we also offer a royalty-free licensing policy. This gives our customers the lowest total cost of ownership of a quality OCR system, enabling them to create software products that are more competitive.
Key features:
- Cross-platform OCR: Windows and Linux platforms are supported
- Support of many image formats: BMP, JPEG, PNG, TIFF, GIF and many others
- Support of multipage image formats (TIFF, GIF).
- Ability to load image from a file, memory or pixel data.
- Ability to perform zonal OCR: select one or multiple areas for OCR
- Ability to specify different OCR options for different areas
- ICR module for handwritten digits
- Supports 26 languages: English, German, French, Spanish, Russian, Italian, Portuguese and many others
- Ability to specify several languages for OCR
- Ability to specify different languages for different areas on an image
- Ability to use several CPU cores for even faster OCR
- Unique character analysis technology delivering reliable recognition of any fonts
- Advanced algorithms for poor-quality text, distorted, connected and broken characters
- Dictionaries are used for the best recognition
- Ability to exclude some characters from character set when necessary
- Ability to get additional information about text lines, words and characters: position, size, quality, etc
- Full Unicode support
- Simple API interface and sample projects for various programming languages: C#, C++, VB.NET, Delphi, C++ Builder, VB, Java, JScript, VBScript
- A wide set of supported frameworks and technologies that can use Nicomsoft OCR: .NET, WPF, WCF, ASP.NET, Silverlight
- Both native x86 and x64 binaries are available

Keywords: OCR, Image, optical character recognition, tool, library, component
