Excellent genealogy software package for storing, querying and documenting family trees. It features a unique, easy to use graphical interface and powerful data management tools which makes it ideal for large or small trees.
Uniquely, the main screen displays the data as linked rectangles representing each family. Using the mouse, you can drag and position the family rectangles within the Tree Area to form any tree layout you desire. The family rectangles can be used for fast, direct access to data. You can zoom in and out of the tree to give you an overview of the entire tree layout.
Each family tree is stored in a relational database with a capacity of over 2,000 million records and you can have as many databases as you like. The software uses the powerful SQL (Structured Query Language) and other search tools to find data in the family tree. Results from searches can be used to form custom reports or exporting to other programs.
Navigating the tree on the screen is made easier by automatically highlighting related families. You can choose all families descended from a particular root family, all families containing ancestors of the root or just families which form a direct line between two families.
The families can be grouped into layers. By choosing to display only one layer at a time, it is possible to manage large trees which would otherwise be cluttered.
For the serious family historian, you can store information about the documentation you have used in your research. Recording source documents and repositories lets you go back to re-evaluate your findings at a later date.

Keywords: genealogy, database, family tree, family history, GEDCOM, Kith and Kin

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