Some of the programs main features
- Go to (open) a selected website directly from the program.
- File encryption for all your website logon and password details.
- File encryption for your program access password.
- Store also non-related website Passwords, PIN numbers and/or User names.
- Optionally record notes about each individual web site.
- The program will automatically record the date added, updated and last visited.
- The program will automatically record the number of visits made to each website.
- Define your own categories to enable the grouping of websites of the same type.
- Copy your Logon ID (User Name) ready to Paste into the logon area of a website.
- Copy your Logon Password ready to Paste into the logon area of a website.
- Optionally view or hide your Logon ID and Passwords in the Browse List.
- Tag website records in the Browse List as being a favorite.
- Highlight web sites in the Browse List as an additional form of indexing.
- Color websites in the Browse List as yet another additional form of indexing.
- View the Browse List in either of the many different sort orders available.
- View all or a selected Category only in the Browse List.
- View only tagged, highlighted or colored websites in the Browse List.
- Search the Browse List (F3).
- Set your preferred program defaults and preferences.
- The program has its own data backup utility.

Keywords: Internet tool, Internet utility, logon, passwords, database, encrytion, favorites, websites

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