With the Datastead RTSP/RTMP/HTTP/ONVIF DirectShow Source filter SDK you can develop applications to capture and decode audio and video from live URLs, exposes the uncompressed audio and video pins, and save at the same time the streams to a file without transcoding.

The filter can:

- control the pan, tilt, zoom of PTZ ONVIF cameras,

- receive streaming sources in ONVIF, RTSP, RTMP, RTP, HTTP, UDP, RTP, MMS, Shoutcast protocols,

- record at the same time the video streams without transcoding, directly to a file (MP4, FLV, MOV, AVI, or MKV), with or without audio,

- perform backtimed recording (pre-roll recording),

- connect asynchronously to the URL, without blocking the main thread,

- decode the H264/H265/AAC/MP3 audio/video streams and expose the uncompressed video and/or audio output pins,

- apply text overlays,

- control the brightness, hue, saturation,

- generate new files on the fly without loosing frames and without stopping/restarting the graph.

The filter includes internally the required multiplexers (MP4, FLV, MOV, AVI and MKV mux) to save the native H264/H265/AAC frames to the recording file.
The filter can be invoked:

1) either directly by writing a DirectShow application with:
. the DirectShow SDK (Microsoft),
. DirectShow.NET (SourceForge)
. DSPack (Delphi).
The sample code for each SDK is included in the package.

2) either directly from the TVideoGrabber SDK, in this case TVideoGrabber builds DirectShow filter and only 2 or 3 lines of code are required to start the preview or recording, e.g.:

Video preview:
VideoGrabber.SetAuthentication (at_IPCamera, "root", "admin")

Our license is a commercial, per developer license (royalty-free, whatever the number of PC on which your application using the filter is installed).

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Keywords: ONVIF, PTZ, RTSP, RTMP, IP Cameras, DirectShow, MP4, Streaming, ONVIF camera, DirectShow ONVIF filter

RTSP/RTMP/HTTP/ONVIF DirectShow Source screenshot

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$950.00 US

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Operating Systems:

Windows 2000 Windows XP Windows 2003 Server

Release Status:

update (2019-08-26)

Recent Changes:

- PTZ support for ONVIF IP cameras
- faster connection to the URL

Supported Languages:


Additional Requirements:


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