Print Settings Enforcer is used in Microsoft Point and Print Environments where clients are connecting to a print server. It will enforce the default settings defined by the administrator on the print server. It is not allowing the user to change these default settings permanently for his client in the printers and faxes folder.
In current Microsoft Point and Print environment a feature to enforce print queue-settings permanently is not available from the operating system. The user can always [also without administrator rights] change his local default settings on a print queue once it is connected to the server.
The only other way to get the default settings applied again to the client from the print server is to delete and re-connect the print queue on the client.
Print Settings Enforcer can help you in two ways:
1. Installed as service
Installed as a windows service on the client it watches the default settings on the print queues [which point to a server, not locally installed queues] in the printers and faxes folder. If the user tries to change the default settings on any of these queues, Print Settings Enforcer will reset them to the default settings from the server.
Print Settings Enforcer will not touch printer setting changes done within an application/during an application session. When the application is closed, Windows will discard these changes anyway.
2. Run once at boot up
Run Print Settings Enforcer as normal application once during a login script or on schedule on the users client to reset all print queues [which point to a server, not locally installed queues] to the default settings from the server. This will still allow the user to change his default settings for as long as the next shutdown, but will save you a lot of time as there is no need to delete and reconnect the print queues to default the settings. Print Settings Enforcer will only need a second to accomplish this.

Keywords: reset, print, settings, force, default

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