OldMovie is a plug-in for Windows graphics applications such as Adobe PhotoShop, Corel PhotoPaint, JASC Paint Shop Pro, Denabe Canvas, Satori PhotoXL, ULead PhotoImpact and other PhotoShop plug-in compatible applications (for a complete and up-to-date list of compatible applications, check our the compatibility page).
With OldMovie you can recreate the old days of movie making and photography using the techniques of modern day. OldMovie enables you to render a plethora of effects to an image, making it look like it's been made decades ago.

Keywords: oldmovie, old, movie, aged, film, agedfilm, vanderlee, vdl, vanderlee, digi, effects, digieffects, scratch, scratches, focus, defocus, dark, bright, darken, brighten, hair, hairs, curl, length, minimum, maximum, maximal, minimal, min, max, dust, fat, clod, spot, clods, spots, bend

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