COMIREL released 64bit Windows full functional TSP TAPI Service Provider for 2 SNOM VoIP phones. Out of TAPI capable applications like e.g. Outlook or ActiPOINT phone calls with SNOM phones can be managed comprehensively. These features are supported: Make call - Answer call - Call termination - Swap hold calls - Hold - Unhold - Third party conference - Consultations - Interconnection - Forwarding by condition (always, if busy, after time). Incoming telephone calls are brought to knowledge to TAPI capable applications. The phone number of the caller is still available in TAPI capable applications before you answer a call (for identification). AsnomTAPIduo supports 2 SNOM phones independently and parallel. All active phone VoIP profiles are made available as TAPI lines. Save your time and increase your productivity using AsnomTAPIduo.
AsnomTAPIduo handles the security features of the snom phones: Administrator modus - WEB user - Hidden tags.
AsnomTAPIduo is supplemented by the communication interface to the free tool ActiNOTIFY. ActiNOTIFY offers the integration in Groupware/PIM solutions such as Outlook and Notes and complements Notes by a AddIn for the context-referred dialing. Also, ActiNOTIFY makes call-relevant data available over a call notification window without the help of the respective Groupware surface.
Supports SNOM firmware V8 (v7 least recommended)

Keywords: TAPI, SNOM, TSP, 64bit, Windows, Vista, Firmware, SNOM 320, SNOM 300, SNOM 360, Internet phone, VoIP phone, SKYPE, CTI, contact, call, ISDN, phone, COMIREL

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