Viobo Access to Excel Data Migrator is the simplest data-migrator between Access and Excel currently. It migrates data between Access and Excel database system accurately and perfectly, with NO database administrator experience required.
The tool is compatible with most major versions of Access and Excel, including from Access 1997 and Excel 1997 to 2007, etc. The tool needs odbc or oledb database provider without Access or Excel installed. The Data Migrator supports the all kinds of Connection Type of Access and Excel very well.
It can excute SQL Script, Stored Procedure and Function of your Access in Conditions Test simply; and help you administrate storage system. Viobo Access to Excel Data Migrator display databases as Tree-structure. Users can drag and drop objects between two Tree-Form to operate data in multi-dababases from one to another.
The user-friendly interface helps user operate the data of databases easily and get its effect in real time. The User can also backup the data of Excel .xls file into Data-Files with the script(txt) format in user defined directory.
Tasks-Queue and Multithread-Management mechanism of the tool can enhance speed of migrating and keep integrality of the mass data. In the Tasks List, User can sort, delete, stop/start and clear all waiting tasks.
Beginner of database can operate databases like operate files in Resource Explorer in Microsoft Windows. A database expert can define the SQL Script, Stored Procedure and Function himself to complete the advanced migration operations.
Viobo Access to Excel Data Migrator can also process multiple tasks at the same time; export data to several frequently-used file formats. The tool also helps user to define operation conditions to make the migrating tasks pertinent and make the result data optimal. If Excel Application has been installed in user's system, automatic configs of Font and Data Format are set into Excel file.

Keywords: access to excel, access to excel data migrator, access to excel migrator, access to excel data migration, access to excel migration, migrate access to excel, migrating access to excel, data migrator

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