Tour and travelling management utility organizes major business visits, tours as per their specific needs in affordable price. Employee training software has authentication feature that prevents illegal users to access/update software configurations. Business tour planner tool easily records and prints company reports, employee?s details, tour information etc. Employee training software manages records of business travelling details with various factors including tour type, training details and other essential information. Excellent tour scheduling program manages office employee?s trip and travelling activities from your computer machine. Employee training software helps HR representative, business managers, administrators to assign trip and travelling requirements by employee ID, name, designation, departments etc. Prominent trip management program organizes entire business visits and travelling of company employees from PC in just few seconds. Employee training software is simple functioning tool to manage complex official tours in cost effective and reliable manner. Official tour organizer application provides user-friendly GUI that helps novice users to operate software without requiring any special programming skills. Employee training software effectively runs on all advanced versions of Windows environments including Windows XP, 7, Vista etc. Business trip scheduling program provides backup and recovery facility to avoid data lost condition.
Software features:
* Employee training software facilitates you to prepare tour and travelling requirements.
* Business tour controlling program generates important official tour and training reports for better decision making.
* Employee training software is able to manage major company tour and travelling schedules in one single PC.
* Professional employee training software is accounted to organize business trips and travelling in less span of time.

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Keywords: Employee, training, software, manage, company, staff, trip, program, password, utility, handle, track, complex, official, visit, need, reduce, manual, paper, work, maintain, record, report, Windows, application, organize, schedule, business, tour

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Employee Training


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$29.00 US

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Operating Systems:

Windows XP Windows Vista

Release Status:

new (2010-09-20)

Recent Changes:

Added support to manage bulk tour and training schedules

Supported Languages:


Additional Requirements:

256MB RAM, 18MB Disk Space for installation

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