Five years and 3,000,000+ downloads since the first release, Evrsoft brings you First Page 2006, the highly anticipated HTML editing software. Evrsoft First Page 2006 gives you unsurpassed freedom to create and edit web documents with absolute code control.
The latest version includes hundreds of new features and bug fixes. First Page 2006 now includes full support for HTML, XHTML, PHP, ASP, Cold Fusion, Javascript, CSS, SSI and Perl.
FirstPage 2006 is designed for professional web development. Create, Edit and deploy websites with absolute ease and precision. The integrated tools empower web developers to develop standards-based web documents, quickly and easily.
What's New in FP2006
Tag Insight with SmartHistory?
CSS Insight with SmartHistory?
CSS Class Support & Auto Detection
Advanced Syntax Highlighting
Tag Document Selection Tool
Local/Server Mappings
Code Tree with PHP5, CSS2, HTML4
Dual Preview Engine
Online Webmaster Tools
Tag Property Sheet Inspector with SmartHistory?
Tag Auto Completion
Design View Engine, Powered by Microsoft®
Anti-Intrusive Real-Time Visual Source Rendering Engine?
Dual Edit System
One Click Html Reference Guides
Asset Management
Extensive Web Language Support
Tidy HTML Power Tools (updated)
Document Checking Tools
Over 1,500 Advanced iScripts?
Page color themes
Popupmaker Deluxe
Image Mapper
CSS Style Sheet Designer
Scrollbar Designer
Powerful Server Side Includes Support
Convert "HTML -> XHTML" or vice versa
Sitetree/ Link Checking Tool
Analyze Document/Page Estimation Tool
Extendable Toolbars and Interface
Interface Designed for All
File Management Tools
Image Thumbnails
Rollover Images
Internet explorer preview integration
Netscape® Mozilla preview integration
Powerful, Enhanced IDE Interface
Powerful FTP client
Extended Find & Replace In Files
Photo Album Gallery Generator

Keywords: html editor, website builder, html authoring tool, web publishing, web editor, php editor, text editor

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