Easily search, print, date & time stamp, password protect, & even browse entries. Keep them personal by using richly styled text or by using different colors to reflect your mood when you made an entry. Simply Journal allows you to create multiple books. These books are separate groups of entries that can be searched, printed or just browsed. Create a separate book for different subjects. Not only can you keep track of your personal thoughts like you would in a diary but you can also use Simply Journal to keep track of notes on anything. Class notes, prayer journal, dream journal, or food diary. Simply Journal has all the things you like about your paper journal or diary and adds to it a few powerful features that really make the difference. Plus, use it for as many things as you want. Just create a new book and you are off and running. The possibilities are endless. This is not just simple daily journal software, it is powerful personal journal software. The best part is that you are not limited to what or how many things you use Simply Journal for, use it for one - use it for all! Accomplish all these things and more by creating separate books inside Simply Journal. Simply put, Simply Journal has all the things you like about your paper journal or diary and adds to it a few powerful features that really make the difference. Purchase your copy of Simply Journal! Only $19.95 and you can use it for as many things as you like. We are confident, you will love our daily journal software and you will make it your personal journal software of choice.

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