An automated issue tracking and helpdesk ticketing system in your Outlook Client. Provides you with all the necessary tools to log, analyze and assist in the resolution of helpdesk issues right in your Outlook. Can automatically process incoming support request emails, enforce service level, set due date and send automated notifications, to cut the overhead of manual tasks significantly while making it easier for team to work flexibly. The inbuilt knowledge base besides acting as an effective knowledge sharing medium, helps in improving the average 'First Call Resolution' timing significantly, as you find resolution to problems quickly. With the asset management and tracking module, you can easily view every problem and incident ever reported on a specific asset. Apart from emails, it can also integrate with fixed phones, Skype or SMS and supports relaying helpdesk response over these communication channels too.
With the Customer Web Service site, end-users can submit new support requests via a web form, check status, or search through the knowledge base for first level support. For evaluating helpdesk performance, you can use the integrated OLAP statistics tool, to display and analyze support cases data in grids, charts and graphs, and extract reports and business intelligence which in-turn can ensures timely decision making for improved service of the helpdesk.
Personal Helpdesk for Outlook helps you to improve your efficiency to enable faster response time and higher productivity; thereby ensuring end-users receive better and timely service.

Keywords: Issue Tracking, Helpdesk, Service desk, CRM, Customer Service, SLA, ITIL, Service Level Agreements, SMS, Skype, Email monitoring, Escalation, trouble tickets
