Magic Audio Converter and CD Ripper is the ultimate tool for converting your music collection quickly and reliably. Audio conversion has never been so simple and what's more is that there are many different formats supported by this program. If you are looking for an all-in-one solution that will allow you to rip audio CDs, convert audio files and edit audio tags, this software is the answer. Rather than having separate programs to do each of these tasks for you, you can instead have everything wrapped up into one convenient package. However, this type of software ,which is packed full of features can often be confusing and difficult to use, especially for amateur computer users. Magic Audio Converter and CD Ripper is an exception however, allowing you to easily convert your music files in just three clicks. It also supports drag-and-drop and a range of settings that are both easy to understand while still providing you with all the features that you need.

Keywords: audio converter, cd ripper, music converter, wma to mp3, wav to mp3, mp4 to mp3, m4a to mp3, mp3 to wav, aac to mp3, ogg to mp3, mp3 to ogg, flac to aac, wma to mp4, wv to mp3, rip cd to flac, mp4 to wma, ape to flac, mp3 to wma

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