This software offers a solution to users who want to create and edit queries on a MS Access database using built-in templates. The built-in queries will allow you to alter tables while saving you hours of time having to learn complex SQL commands. There is a feature to save results as TXT, SQL, XLS, CSV, PDF or XML file. Some of the query templates include: Average, Count Distinct Records, Count GroupBy, Count Records, Delete, Drop, Fraction, Join Full Outer, Join Inner, Join Left, Join Outer, Join Right, Maximum, Minimum, Percentage, Select Order By, Select Where In, Select Where Like, Select Where, Select, Sum, Top, and Union.
Keywords: select action query, query design view, subquery, define, criteria, field, msaccess, union, average, count records, sum, top, delete, join left outer, right, insert value, percentage, statement, run, SQL statement, editor, running, viewing, tree