Mihov Picture Downloader is a handy and useful tool for automatic batch downloading of all the pictures from one or several web pages. Just type in the starting address and let this program do the rest. One click and all the graphics will be transferred to your hard drive, without clicking on every link and viewing every thumbnail. You can also view the images as they are downloaded. The program searches for the link to the pictures and shows the found picture names to the user who can decide which pictures will be downloaded and which not. The program can download also other file types, for example mp4, ogg, wmv, asf, rm, ram, html, avi, mp3 and more.

Keywords: internet, graphics, pictures, picture, image, images, photo, photos, foto, slika, mihov picture downloader, splet, thumbnail, thumbnails, home, page, web, site, quick, useful, video, audio, music, link, follow, linked, all, every, get, mini, list
