While most traders tend to focus on finding an "edge" in the markets -- a profitable trading system or method -- the greatest opportunity for profit is often found in methods for trading an existing system or method more successfully. These so-called money management methods, such as position sizing, are at the core of Market System Analyzer, a money management software application from Adaptrade Software.
Market System Analyzer (MSA) is designed to help maximize the performance of trading systems and methods. MSA can uncover tradable profit/loss patterns, optimize trade sizes, and avoid trades that have a low likelihood of success. The result is a higher percentage of winning trades, lower drawdowns, more consistent returns, and greater profitability.
Any active trader of stocks or futures, whether a day trader or position trader, could benefit from Market System Analyzer. MSA contains a unique combination of analytical tools, including original methods. By combining analysis options you'll discover new trading strategies for your existing trading systems and methods.
Increase returns and limit risk by trading the right number of contracts or shares for your account size and risk tolerance. Find the optimal position sizing settings to reach your trading goals. Detect over-optimized trading systems and prevent curve-fitting.
Exploit winning and losing streaks. Trade equity curve crossovers four different ways to increase returns and reduce risk. Assess the sensitivity of your trading results to trade order. Evaluate your trading using detailed performance statistics that properly account for position sizing settings and account equity.
Now with portfolio analysis and optimization.

Keywords: trading software, trading strategy, monte carlo, money management, risk management, trading system, trading program, tradestation, trading pattern, futures, stocks, trading tool, t test, monte carlo simulation, position sizing, trader software

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