Perfect PDF 6 Office integrates itself in Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook) and converts Office files in PDFs. The meta data, e.g. links, table of contents, bookmarks, form fields and controls, comments, Word index, as well as e-mails and attachments will be imported automatically.
Main functionality:
- Microsoft Office integration: converting documents to PDFs directly from Office applications: Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook.
- Microsoft Office extended integration: import specific meta information from Office documents to PDF documents. Could be imported (optionally by categories): document properties, table of contents, links, bookmarks, form fields and controls, comments, index filed in Word, attachment files in Outlook.
- Display, print and search through PDF files. Fill, print and save interactive PDF forms. Sign, certify and time stamp PDF files with digital signatures.
- Create blank documents, documents from text or RTF, image files or scanned images. Export from PDF files plain text or document pages as image files.
- Manage document properties, protect documents, define document permissions, manage document resources (fonts, images, layers, embedded files, etc.)
- Manage document pages: change order, insert or remove pages, change page size, orientation, label, etc.
- Decorate document pages with backgrounds, watermarks, headers and footers using template galleries. Import new templates from PDF files.
- Windows Explorer (My Computer) integration: converting any printable files to PDF files directly from context menu, also combine Office files to one PDF. Preview thumbnails of PDF files in thumbnail view mode. Extended document properties for PDF files.
- View PDF files directly in Internet Explorer or Mozilla browsers (e.g. Firefox).

Keywords: office to pdf, word to pdf, excel to pdf, email pdf, pdf, pdf software, pdf converter, PDF Technology, PDF creation, PDF viewing, convert to PDF, create PDF, PDF merge, PDF tools, pdf creator, pdf/a, pdf document, pdf form, digital signature, PDF/A

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