CopySafe PDF provides the most secure copy protection for eBook and PDF documents and the only solution that can protect from all avenues of copy including Printscreen and screen capture, and with the most secure options for print, password, and expiry protection. By using the DRM options you can also prevent forwarding and unauthorized distribution. Ideal for secure distribution anywhere, whether by download or on CD.
- Distribute documents that are protected from all copy and redistribution
- Distribute documents for the eyes of your intended recipients only
- Copy protect documents so that they can never be converted or be extracted
- Copy protect documents from Printscreen and all screen capture software
- Copy protect documents with a password that cannot be hacked
- Copy protect documents with expiry dates that cannot be foiled
- Distribute documents with total control over who can access them
- Control how many times a document can be viewed or printed
CopySafe PDF Protector also includes a Document Converter for converting most file types to PDF, which will ensure that the quality of PDF conversion is consistent and suitable for distribution with the CopySafe PDF Reader that is available as a free download for your distribution
CopySafe PDF Protector will import PDF documents, by the file or by folder for batch processing, and encrypt them for distribution as copy protected documents with or without additional DRM protection for access rights management. ArtistScope DRM provides total control with any changes to document or user access privileges being effective immediately, even to documents already downloaded to a computer.
The CopySafe PDF Reader is a free download to the public, and for distribution with your protected documents.

Keywords: drm, protect ebook, secure ebook, protect pdf, protect photo, encrypt pdf, capture safe, secure pdf, secure document, protect document

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