Related programs in Development - Components & Libraries |
RasterEdge .NET Imaging SDK
RasterEdge .NET Imaging SDK to convert, view, scan images in .NET
SnowComponent .NET Image Master
SnowComponent .NET Image Master to view, operate, convert images
100% Royalty Free Imaging SDK For WinForms, WPF And Web Development.
AlphaControls Lite Edition
Lite (freeware) Edition of the AlphaControls package
AlphaControls 2019
A skinned VCL's for professional UI design dev. in the Borland Delphi and CB6.
License Plate Recognition library
WSQ image library (for fingerprints)
Reads and converts WSQ (FBI's Wavelet Scalar Quantization) and 33 other formats
Delphi/C++Builder component suite for direct access to MySQL.
10Tec iGrid Control
Editable VB grid, cells grouping, sort, search, virtual mode, Outlook view
Client/Server Comm Lib for Delphi
Delphi TCP and UDP socket library client/server component