Hornil StylePix is a lightweight and professional photo editing software. Now, through it you can create PC, internet and mobile contents.
Convenient working environment
- Supports png, jpg, bmp, tif, gif, tga file formats and tsp(StylePix own file forma).
- Multi-level undo/redo support, and action list.
- Zoom in/out and the full-screen view and guides, rulers, grid support
- Thumbnail, histogram and waveform view for current editing image.
- Built-in browser and slide show.
Layer with styles
- Rasterize, Duplicate, merge, flatten, arrange layers.
- Supports four object type(image, shape text and path) and group object.
- 20 kinds of blending modes support.
- Alignment and placement tool support.
Variety selection tools
- Auto range, color range, and rectangular, circular, lasso and polygonal lasso with softness.
- Selection transform tool.
- Load selection from layer.
- Modify selection: expand, contract, border, soften.
- Stroke and fill selection.
Variety of drawing tools
- Dynamic image brush: You can create your own brushes by letters, photos and anything you want.
- Eraser, spray, clone brush, line, curve, rectangles, circles, polygon, start and arrow.
- Multi-line text editing.
- Flood fill and gradient fill tool.
- 20 kinds of blending modes.
- Color picker with HSV and web safe color model.
Enhance and restore tools
- Burn, dodge, Blur, sharpen tool.
- Remove scratch and red-eye tool.
Batch processing
Practical filters with live preview
- Color filters: curve, level, auto level, auto contrast, auto color etc.
- Blur filters
- Sharpen filters
- Pixelate filters
- Rendering filters
- Noise filters
- Distort filters
- Sketch filters
- Convolve filters
- Style filters
- Morphological filters
- Photo enhancement filters

Keywords: Graphics Editor, Image Editor, Photo Editor, Free Image Editor, Free Photo Editor, Image Manipulation tool

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