The grid was initially designed for electronic financial markets with their stringent requirements to robustness, low consumption of memory and CPU resources, ergonomic and simple user interface and rich API. These requirements share a common objective - to gain the first place on the market, to improve development time and to ensure productive work in run-time. As the result, we have created the most productive and robust hierarchical grid with one of the best object models. It can be used in a great variety of applications (not just for financial markets). It makes software user-friendly, reduces CPU and memory consumption and considerably accelerates development time with multiple services included in the grid and RAD (rapid application development) patterns.
Data binding:
- Binding to IList, IBindingList, IListSource and also to any ADO.NET DataSet, DataTable, DataView, or DataViewManager
- Conditional binding supporting any hierarchies and able to bypass hierarchical levels during binding
- Simultaneous binding to multiple data sources
- Binding to data sources in Rows
.Net Grid main features:
- Single or multiple headers.
- Realtime filtering, grouping, multiple sorting.
- Drag & drop features, export/import to/from Excel.
- Cell editors, column filters, cell tooltips.
- Semi-transparent selection.
- Row docking.
- XML and binary serialization.
- Highlighting cells with any color for the specified time interval
- Insertion rate: 100 000 rows/sec.
- Removal rate: 600 000 rows/sec.
- Real-time regrouping rate: 10 000 rows in a grid of 5 000 rows per sec.
- Real-time filtering rate: 7 000 rows in a grid of 5 000 rows per sec.
- Updating rate with highlighting: 50 000 cells/second in a grid of 5 000 rows.
- Net Grid of 100 000 rows will consume ~16 MB
Thread safety:
- Thread-safe data binding
- Synchronous and asynchronous data processing
- Thread-safe data adding, removing, updating, sorting, filtering

Keywords: .Net, grid, hierarchy, grouping, data, binding, filtering, realtime, MVC, RAD, rapid, performance, threadsafety, CPU, memory, consumption

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