PCLTool SDK Option V - PCL to Text Custom Scripting for Text and Check Image Extraction from Legacy PCL. PCLTool SDK can extract text from applications that generate legacy or complex PCL print streams. It can quickly de-construct old style mainframe-generated bank statements with cancelled check images into text and individual TIFF images of each cancelled check image. With the dis-assembled statement text and image objects, you can use output management/mail optimization software to re-design the print stream, add PostNet or other barcodes, apply address correction and apply OMR Marks for inserters, folders, etc.
Our Text Object Extraction (*.TNX) file format is not merely text parsed from a PCL file. It contains all of the text objects found on the internal logical display list just prior to imaging each page in the interpreter. This is why we must either convert the PCL or simulate a conversion of the PCL in order to extract all the text information available in the file.
We not only capture the text, we capture the absolute positioning, the current symbol set, font and font metrics in use at that point in the file. All this information is written to our proprietary .TNX format. Test our many text extraction solutions by downloading the live PCLTool SDK Evaluation and reviewing the Text Extraction Methods page for examples.
Our latest release of PCLTool SDK V11 is a major consolidation and migration of source code for easier maintainability, upgradeability, faster throughput and now includes Windows .Net, 64-bit, and 64-bit .Net versions of its major PCL conversion programs.
Customers needing assistance in selecting the right option or integrating our products into a custom workflow, please contact our Technical Sales team at (+1) 858.794.6884 for a quote.

Keywords: pcl to text, pcl 2 text, extract text, pcl text, text extraction, pcl ascii, capture text, convert pcl, pcl to pdf, pcl converter, pcl2pdf

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